Adaptation Priorities
Adaptation Priorities
Adaptation Sectors
six adaptation sectors are addressed in the NAP project.
Strategies and Intervention
Altogether 21 adaptation strategies are considered.
Adaptation Program
15 Adaptation Program will implemented whcih covers the 6 goals and 21 adaptation strategies.
Climatic Stess Area
Adaptation will take place based on 11 Climate Stress Areas.
Success Stories of Adaptation
BangladeshIncrease Agricultural Production
by stress tolerant varieties and reducing saline water intrusion
in Coastal Bangladesh
Accelerated Water Resources Management
- 726 km river bank protection
- 2,123 Km river excavation and dredging
- 1,266 km embankment rehabilitated
- Excavation/ re-excavation of 181 km irrigation canal and 499 km drainage canal
- 2.58 million ha land reclamation from rivers and estuary
Rerspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae.
Alivin Corondo
Enhanced Livelihoods- 2725.1 ha marsh lands rehabilitated and included in fisheries culture to enhance livelihood
Alivin Corondo
Adaptation Strategies
The NAP has 23 adaptation strategies, with 113 interventions under 8 sectors to reinforce implementation, all towards achieving its vision and 6 goals.
- Goal 1
- Goal 2
- Goal 3
- Goal 4
- Goal 5
- Goal 6
Goal-1: Ensure protection against climate change variability and induced natural disasters
Adaptation Strategies:
- S.1.1 Combat cyclonic storm surges, sealevel rise and salinity intrusion
- S.1.2 Manage floods, erosion and drought risks
- S.1.3: Protect life, livelihoods, infrastructures and ecosystems against slow-onset and other climate extremities
- Outcome-1: Increased adaptive capacity of human, natural and economic systems to reduce risks and vulnerabilities and ensure protection against climate change-induced disasters in coastal areas
- Outcome-2: Increased adaptive capacity of human, natural and economic systems to reduce risks and vulnerabilities and ensure protection against climate change-induced disasters in the floodplain or drought areas
- Outcome-3: Enhanced adaptive capacity and protection of life, livelihoods and ecosystems against slow-onset and other extreme events of climate change
Goal-2: Develop climateresilient agriculture for food, nutrition and livelihood security
Adaptation Strategies:
- S.2.1 Promote extension of climate-smart agriculture
- S.2.2 Develop climate-resilient fisheries, aquaculture and livestock
- S.2.3: Manage sustainable agro-inputs and transformative value chains
- S.2.4: Strengthen extension services for agriculture, fisheries and livestock
- Outcome-1: Increased agricultural productivity and resilience, and reduced emissions from the adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices
- Outcome-2: Enhanced climate resilience in aquaculture, fisheries and livestock
- Outcome-3: Abundance of quality inputs for agriculture, fisheries and livestock, and transformed value chains
- Outcome-4: Improved extension services related to agriculture, fisheries and livestock
Goal-3: Develop climatesmart cities for an improved urban environment and wellbeing
Adaptation Strategies:
- S.3.1 Promote green and blue infrastructure for urban environmental management and conservation
- S.3.2 Develop climate-smart cities to increase urban resilience
- S.3.3: Develop climate-resilient health care and WASH facilities for improved human well-being and livability in cities
- Outcome-1: Improved urban environment and resilient urban infrastructure
- Outcome-2: Enhanced urban resilience and improved standard of living
- Outcome-3: Improved human health, livability and well-being
Goal-4: Promote nature-based solutions for the conservation of forestry, biodiversity and the well-being of communities
Adaptation Strategies:
- S.4.1 Scale up ecosystem-based adaptation for wetlands conservation
- S.4.2 Restore and conserve habitat, ecosystems and biodiversity
- S.4.3: Expand community-based afforestation and/or reforestation
- Outcome-1: Increased use of nature-based solutions and conservation of biodiversity ensured
- Outcome-2: Increased practice of ecosystembased adaptation (EbA) for reducing climate change risks
- Outcome-3: Critical and fragile ecosystems restored and conserved
- Outcome-4: Expansion of forest coverage, mangroves and biodiversit
- Outcome-5: Community and youth-led conservation of nature for improved well being
Goal-5: Impart good governance through the integration of adaptation into the planning process
Adaptation Strategies:
- S.5.1 Reform policies for mainstreaming adaptation
- S.5.2 Develop a framework for adaptation monitoring, evaluation and learning
- S.5.3: Engage the private sector in adaptation implementation
- S.5.4: Empower local government institutes, community-based organizations, women, people with disabilities and youth for locally led adaptatio
- S.5.5: Enhance climate financing for adaptation
- Outcome-1: New or updated policies, plans, regulations and institutions developed or reformed to support mainstreaming of the NAP into government risk-informed planning and implementation processes
- Outcome-2: Effective and robust M&E for CCA developed to support the national monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system
- Outcome-3: Private sector-led CCA initiatives implemented
- Outcome-4: Decentralized environmental and climate change management ensured
- Outcome-5: Locally led, gender-, disability- and youth-inclusive adaptation initiatives increased
- Outcome-6: Adaptation investment gap declines
Goal-6: Ensure transformative capacity-building and innovation for climate change adaptation
Adaptation Strategies:
- S.6.1 Develop transformative capacities and management of knowledge
- S.6.2 Introduce innovation in reducing climate change and disaster risks and consequent losses and damagess
- S.6.3: Research and innovation for agriculture, fisheries and livestock slow-onset and other climate extremities
- S.6.4: Advanced research on climate change impacts on ecosystems and application of ecosystem-based adaptation
- S.6.5: Action research for innovation in climate-resilient infrastructure, improved health and WASH technologies
- Outcome-1: A paradigm shift in capacity development and behavioral change happens and persists over time
- Outcome-2: Sustainable CCA knowledge management ensured
- Outcome-3: Capacity development at the individual, institutional and process levels
- Outcome-4: Development of innovative technologies and adaptation practices to support risk-informed planning and damage mitigation
- Outcome-5: Development of tools and methodologies, and increased capacities of actors to improve research and extension services related to agriculture, fisheries and livestock
- Outcome-6: Knowledge generated on ecosystem sensitivity to climate change and its impacts
- Outcome-7: Scientific knowledge and guidelines for climate-resilient health, adaptive rural and urban WASH infrastructure, and urban development
Adatptaion Secotors of NAP




Water Resources
Water Resources

Urban Infrastructure
