Risk & Vulnerabilities
The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process aims at reducing the vulnerability by addressing medium and long-term adaptation needs. To support this process and to use adaptation finance effectively, there is an increasing need for practical tools that can support the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of adaptation activities. However, definitions of vulnerability are quite diverse, and so are methodologies to assess it. Standardised methods are needed to make results easier to compare across sectors and regions. GIZ’s Climate Policy Support Project, has commissioned the development of practical guidelines on how to conduct standardised vulnerability assessments that can also be used for monitoring and evaluating adaptation. It provides a standardized approach to vulnerability, consistent with IPCC approach and terminology.
Understanding Climate Change Vulnerability
The degree to which a system is susceptible to, or unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change, including climate variability and extremes. Vulnerability is a function of the character, magnitude, and rate of climate variation to which a system is exposed, its sensitivity, and its adaptive capacity
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (2014)As per definition vulnerability has four key components: exposure, sensitivity, potential impact and adaptive capacity.
- Exposure is a determination of whether the system will experience a specific changing climate condition or impact. Exposure is the only component directly linked to climate parameters, that is, the character, magnitude, and rate of change and variation in the climate
- Sensitivity is the degree to which the system would be impaired by the impact if it were exposed.
- Potential impact due to climate change, which is the third key component, is the combination of exposure and sensitivity
- Adaptive capacity is the ability of the system to change in order to maintain its primary functions even as it is exposed to an impact
Understanding Climate Change Risk
the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC (AR5) risk concept focuses on assessing the risk of specific consequences or impacts that may harm a system. The vulnerability of the system is now one of three components of the risk. Consequently, the assessment is called ‘climate risk assessment’ instead of ‘climate change vulnerability assessment’. The definitions of terms have changed. In particular ‘exposure’ and ‘vulnerability’ have now very different meanings. This may require additional considerations in the communication and interaction with stakeholders.
Climate risk is the potential impact of weather and climate events or the potential variation of their impacts due to climate change on a given entity such as an area, sector or social group in cities & towns. Climate risk results from a combination of a hazard, and the exposure and vulnerability of the entity in front of this hazard.

Vulnerabilities of Sectors
Impacts of climate change cause multi-faceted vulnerabilities and risk due to the geographic position of the country. Bangladesh faced in past and intensity and frequency of these hazards are increasing due to adverse impact of climate change.

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