Climate Change Finance Tracking
Climate Change Finance Tracking

Climate public investment tracking is one of the important climate related investment planning and management tools designed to understand a country's resource commitments to address the adverse effects of climate change. It is becoming increasingly important to track and report financial flows that support climate change mitigation and adaptation, to build trust and accountability with regard to climate finance commitments and monitor trends and progress in climate-related investment. However, the current arrangements in place demands more transparency, comparability and comprehensiveness which are very important for the government and Planning Commission.
The key objectives of this exercise are to: report on climate investment flows aligned with national climate strategies and plans, improve the governance of climate related investments, facilitate the assessment of results from climate investments and support better project design
Key features of the Climate Public Investment Tracking
- Based on the updated Climate Fiscal Framework (CFF 2020) and Climate Public Finance Tracking Methodology (Finance Division, 2018)
- Possible options for integration of this module in the e-PMS of IMED or ADP Management System (AMS) of Programming Division
- A methodology for climate investment tracking has been formulated in discussion with PD and IMED
Climate Public Investment Tracking Approach
Thematic Area
Climate investments are aligned with the thematic areas and programmes of Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP 2009).
Climate Relevant
All targeted climate change adaptation or mitigation projects and programmes are considered to be 100% climate relevant.
Climate Relevant Criteria
detail programges
Introduced 45 climate relevance criteria, that include ‘44 programmes of the BCCSAP’, and a criteria to capture ‘non-climate relevant/development finance
Dimension & Sensitivity
Climate Relevance Weigth
Estimated the climate relevance weight based on climate dimension and climate sensitivity of a relevance criteria
Based on Identification
Projects are usually complex in nature and may match with more than one climate relevance criteria. They are identified based on allocation (criteria with maximum climate allocation comes first)